New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Monday registered FIRs against the persons who are spreading misinformation on Twitter and giving communal colour to the incident that happened in Kasturba Nagar in Shahdara District of the national capital in which a woman was allegedly abducted, gang-raped and paraded on the streets with her face blackened with ink, informed Shahdara Delhi Commissioner of Police R Sathiyasundaram.
"FIRs have been filed against the persons for posting rumours of suicide by the victim and against the Twitter handles for disclosing the identity of the victim which is prohibited by the law," said Sathiyasundaram. "A false narrative is being made and the incident is being given communal colour on social media by deliberately posting distorted facts of the unfortunate incident that happened at Kasturba Nagar in which the victim was abducted and sexually and physically assaulted by a neighbour belonging to the same community on 26.01.22," he added.
"Some rumours of suicide by the victim was also posted without verifying the fact. Some Twitter Handles/Youtube channels also disclosed the identity of the victim which is prohibited by the law," the DCP stated. FIRs have been registered at Vivek Vihar police station under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.
Earlier on Friday, a total of 11 people, including 9 women were arrested in connection with the incident. As per the police, after the alleged gang rape of the woman, her hair was cut off, her face was blackened and she was paraded in the streets wearing a garland of slippers. According to the survivor's sister, a boy living in the neighbourhood who claimed to be in love with the woman committed suicide in November last year. "His family blames my sister for their son's death," she said.
Read: 11 arrested in Shahdara alleged gang rape case: Delhi Police