Palghar: At least seven persons were injured on Saturday when lightning struck a house amid heavy showers in a village in Palghar district of Maharashtra, officials said. The injured persons, including a five-year-old child, were admitted to a government hospital in Gorhe village. The incident occurred at around 5 pm when a bolt from the sky struck the house of Nitesh Wagh in Sange village. (PTI)
Seven injured in lightning strike in Maha village
The injured persons, including a five-year-old child, were admitted to a government hospital in Gorhe village.
Seven injured in lightning strike in Maha village
Palghar: At least seven persons were injured on Saturday when lightning struck a house amid heavy showers in a village in Palghar district of Maharashtra, officials said. The injured persons, including a five-year-old child, were admitted to a government hospital in Gorhe village. The incident occurred at around 5 pm when a bolt from the sky struck the house of Nitesh Wagh in Sange village. (PTI)