New Delhi: Security was beefed up on Monday at Delhi borders, including Singhu and Ghazipur, ahead of the 'mahapanchayat' called by farmers' body at Jantar Mantar, police said on Monday. They said all vehicles entering the capital are being checked and police personnel are on the 'alert mode'. Traffic movement may be affected in many parts of Delhi as the police have put up barricades at border points, they said.
In a tweet, the police asked motorists to avoid Tolstoy Marg, Sansad Marg, Janpath Road, Ashoka Road, Outer Circle Connaught Place, Baba Kharak Singh Marg and Pandit Pant Marg due to farmers' mahapanchayat. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha and other farmers' groups are organising the congregation and they will pass through outer district, which includes Ghazipur border in Ghaziabad, officials said.
"In this connection, adequate deployment of local police and outside force has been made in outer district at Tikri border, major intersections, along railway tracks and metro stations to avoid any untoward incident," a police official said.