New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday stayed the operation of a Delhi High Court order relating to registration of an FIR against BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain on a woman's complaint alleging rape. A bench headed by Justice U U Lalit issued notice and sought responses, including from the Delhi government, on Hussain's plea and posted it for hearing in the third week of September.
The high court on August 17 had dismissed Hussain's plea challenging a trial court order directing the Delhi Police to register an FIR against him, saying there was no perversity in the 2018 order, and vacated its earlier interim order staying the operation. In 2018, a Delhi-based woman had approached a lower court seeking registration of an FIR against Hussain on her allegation of rape.
A magisterial court had on July 7, 2018, ordered the registration of an FIR against Hussain, saying a cognizable offence was made out in the complaint of the woman. This was challenged by the BJP leader before a sessions court which had dismissed his plea. (PTI)