New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud on Monday directed all High Courts of the country to set up an online Right to Information Act (RTI) portal within 3 months. The court was surprised that it hasn't already been done even when SC has also operationalized it. The bench, also comprising Justice PS Narasimha and Justice JB Pardiwala, was hearing a PIL seeking online RTI portals for all the High Courts and the district courts in the country.
The court was informed that except for the states of Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and Delhi, no HC has set up the portal and Karnataka High Court is utilizing the state government portal. "After a lapse of 17 years, some High Courts still await the operationalization of websites for this purpose. Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa High Courts have established websites for RTI. Karnataka uses the State govt portal," observed the court in its order.
"We direct all the High courts to establish online RTI portals within 3 months from today. High Courts can formulate adequate provisions to facilitate the supply of adequate information. Information is to be passed onto the secretary generals of High Courts for administrative directions from the Chief Justices (of High Courts). Same directions are to be sought from Chief Justice for the district judiciary," ordered the court.
The court also noted that around 18 states have filed the replies, while some have said that they are waiting for infrastructural facilities and some are in the process of setting up. The court further directed for the certified copy of this order to be remitted to all judicial registrars of the HCs who shall take instructions from the Chief Justices of the High Courts and then the HC would be at liberty to make adequate provision for the supply of information. The court also asked NIC to provide technical assistance to the High Court.