Aurangabad (Maharashtra): A railway police sub-inspector in Satara was booked for playing loud songs in front of a mosque during Azaan on Monday. Sub-inspector Kishor Gadappa Malkunaik allegedly went to the mosque in the vicinity of his residence on Friday during the Azaan time and started playing songs on loudspeaker. Locals in the area called the control room, informed about the incident and lodged a complaint about the matter.
As informed by the Satara Police, a case has been registered against the official under the violation of prohibitory Sections 37 (1) and (3) of the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951. The police officials clarified that 'such acts can lead to a rift between two religions and increase hostility between different groups, and are therefore considered provocative and offensive.' The case has been handed over to Assistant Inspector Karale for further investigation, while it was initially registered by sub-inspector Sonawane at the Satara police station.
Also read: Hanuman Chalisa recited at a temple in Indore on loudspeakers