New Delhi: The Rohini Court in Delhi on Tuesday denied bail to Anirudh Dahiya, one of the accused in Sagar Dhankar murder case, that also involved Olympian Sushil Kumar. Additional Sessions Judge Shivaji Anand had ordered the dismissal of 13-day interim bail application of Dahiya, an international wrestler. He was arrested on June 10.
Besides Dahiya, Olympic medallist wrestler Sushil Kumar and 11 others are accused in the case.
Kumar and others had allegedly assaulted former junior national wrestling champion Sagar Dhankar and his friends at the stadium on the intervening night of May 4 and 5 over an alleged property dispute. Sagar had later succumbed to his injuries.
The Crime Branch of Delhi Police had filed a 170-page charge sheet in this case, naming Kumar as the main accused on August 2. On August 6, the court had taken cognizance of the charge sheet filed by the Crime Branch of Delhi Police. The court listed 13 people as accused in the case, including the main accused Sushil Kumar, who got arrested on May 23.
Also read: Accused asks court to expedite proceedings in interest of justice
The charge sheet mentioned the names of 155 prosecution witnesses, including four persons who were injured during the brawl. The Delhi Police had filed an FIR against the accused for offences such as murder, attempt to murder, culpable homicide, criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, robbery, rioting among others.