Hyderabad(Telangana): Ruling TRS candidates D Damodar Rao and B Parthasarathi Reddy on Wednesday filed nominations for the June 10 biennial election to the Rajya Sabha from Telangana. While Parthasarathi Reddy is a top industrialist in the pharmaceutical sector, Damodar Rao, who has served the TRS in different capacities, is a media personality.
Also Read: TRS finallises Hetero Drugs chairman, Namasthe Telangana MD, Ravichandra as RS candidates
The June 10 elections would be held to fill the vacancies arising out of the retirement of V Laxmikanta Rao and D Srinivas next month.Given its strength of 102 in the 119-MLAs strong Telangana assembly, the TRS is comfortably placed to bag the two seats. (PTI)