New Delhi: The Delhi government has spent Rs 12 crore on building 18 rooms in the Nathupura School located in the Burari area as per the information received under the Right to Information Act. RTI activist and BJP leader Deepak Gupta lodged a complaint with the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi in this regard. He demanded a CBI inquiry into the disbursal of funds by the AAP government.
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Gupta alleged that the Kejriwal government had spent over Rs 67 lakhs for the construction of one room whereas as per government rules, the cost of building one room is fixed at Rs 5 lakh. The government school of Nathupura village was built in Burari under the Burari Assembly constituency in Delhi. Demanding a fair investigation into the scam, the BJP leader and RTI activist raised questions on the various claims of the Delhi government's model of education.