Ahmedabad: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat will on Wednesday attend a seminar in Ahmedabad organised by the city-based Bharatiya Vichar Manch (BVM). The seminar on the topic "independence to freedom- a multi-faceted discussion," (swadhinta se swatantrata ki or bahu aayami vimarsh) will be held at the Gujarat University, the state RSS said in a release.
Bhagwat will deliver the inaugural session address, it said. Ram Janmabhoomi Tirath Kshetra Nyas treasurer Govind Dev Giri, MP Sudhanshu Trivedi and others will attend the event. In July, the Sangh chief attended a two-day meeting here of office-bearers of the RSS affiliate Laghu Udyog Bharati to discuss various issues including employment generation. (PTI)