Dumka: The 60-year-old Phulo Rai who is a resident of Roop Sagar village under Jarmundi block of Dumka district in Jharkhand visited the Customer Service Point (CSP) of the Central Bank of India, for the withdrawal of Rs 10,000. Phulo asked the owner of the CSP for the said money. Thereafter, Phulo enquired about the available balance.
But when the operator of the CSP found several zeroes tagged with the principal amount; the news of which spread like a wildfire, and people started making a beeline to Phulo Rai's house to know about the windfall, said the source.
Phulo Rai has the bank account at the Central Bank of India Raikinari branch. This bank account sees almost negligible transactions. Phulo had gone to enquire about his pension remittances at the CSP of the bank situated at Beldaha village in Dumka district of Jharkhand, said the source.
After the withdrawal of Rs 10,000, the balance in the bank account of Phulo Rai was showing Rs 75,28,68,870 (more than Rs 75.28 crore). Seeing this humongous amount; both the owner of the CSP and Phulo Rai were surprised, added the source.
Phulo Rai along with his wife as well as family of his only son stays in a hutment. They are living in penury. Now, the family of Phulo has become 'millionaire' overnight, is in a state of 'shock' and greets people with folded hands, saying that this was not his fault, stated the source.
Praveer Chandra Ghosh, incharge bank manager of Central Bank of India, said, "The bank account of Phulo Rai is dormant due to lack of any transactions. I have also learnt about the said amount credited in the bank account. Things will be clear after the probe."