New Delhi: Raising census issue during zero hours in Rajya Sabha on Tuesday, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Manoj Kumar Jha demanded a cast-based census for Census 2021.
"The previous exercise was scrapped but have we ever talked about sub-categorisation of OBCs? Crores rupees have been spent on Census programme and if cattle are counted in the country, cast based census should not be a problem," Jha said.
"The Prime Minister announced in 2019 that a caste-based census will be done and it should be done in Census 2021. We should know about the social status of a person selling vegetables," he said.
"According to the Supreme Court, 50 per cent ceiling should be considered in the reservation. The most important thing for this is, in the census 2021, this subject should be included in it," he added.
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