Maharashtra: In an extremely shocking incident reported from Maharashtra, a group of revengeful monkeys has allegedly killed around 250 dogs to take "revenge" after a group of dogs in the area killed one of their infant monkeys. The incident was reported from Majalgaon in the Beed district of the state.
The monkeys were grabbing puppies, taking them onto trees and buildings and throwing them on the ground leading to the deaths of puppies.
Pictures and videos went viral on social media where a monkey can be seen on a roof carrying a puppy to the edge of a building and throwing it down.
According to the local media reports as of now, there are no puppies left in the village. Some of the dogs were taken away to different places by the owners to hide them from vengeful monkeys and save their lives.
While trying to save their dogs many villagers sustained injuries.
Around 15 days ago, the puppy of Sitaram Naibal, a resident of the village, was also taken away by a monkey.
As the puppy started screaming, Naibal was able to rescue his pet, but he broke his leg to save the dog and is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital.
Villagers requested Forest department officials to capture the monkeys in the area. However, officials from the department, who visited the area, were unable to capture even a single monkey.
Read : Villagers hire private shooter to kill monkeys in Chhattisgarh village, probe on