New Delhi: Former AAP minister Rajendra Pal Gautam on Tuesday appeared before the Delhi Police for questioning over his presence at a religious conversion event where Hindu deities were allegedly denounced, officials said. He has joined the investigation at the Paharganj Police Station, said a senior police officer. "I received the notice today (Tuesday) and will cooperate with the police," Gautam told PTI.
"We are those who follow Babasaheb Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution," he said in a tweet in Hindi. The development comes a day after he was interrogated by police at his residence regarding his presence at the religious conversion event. Later, he was issued a formal notice to appear before officials at the Paharganj Police Station on Tuesday. According to the notice, on October 5, Gautam attended a programme at the Ambedkar Bhawan where "certain words were uttered publicly, which has infuriated public at large".
"Written complaints have been received in this regard... During the enquiry, presence of your good self is very much essential to decide the further course of action as per law," the notice read. "Accordingly, you are here by requested/directed to appear in person with all documents at police station Pahar Ganj without fail, otherwise it will be presumed that you have nothing to say or explain anything on your part and matter would be decided as per law," it added.
After being questioned by police on Monday, Gautam had told PTI, "They asked me about the nature of the programme and how it was organised... I follow the law and if I have committed any crime, you can register a case and arrest me. If I have not, you can interrogate me." "I will feed sweets to the complainant if I am arrested," he had said. Gautam had resigned from the Delhi Cabinet on Sunday due to the controversy over him attending the event.
The BJP has used the issue to attack AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal during the election campaigning in Gujarat and accused him of being "anti-Hindu". In a letter shared on Twitter, Gautam said he attended the event in his personal capacity and it had nothing to do with his party or the ministry. He also lashed out at the BJP for targeting Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), alleging the saffron party was doing "dirty politics" on the issue. Gautam, who was the Minister for Social Welfare, SC and ST, Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Gurdwara Elections, said he is resigning as minister as he does not want his leader or AAP to be in trouble because of him. (PTI)