Bharatpur (Rajasthan): In a shocking incident, the daily wager couple was staying at a makeshift camp, and the accused who was also living in the same area, took a 17-month-old crying baby on his lap on the pretext of pampering her. At that time, the mother of the victim was preparing food and no one was to attend to the child.
Hence, taking advantage of the situation, the accused carried the infant and went to a secluded place under a railway bridge, and raped her. On hearing the screams of the child, the mother rushed toward to rescue her. On seeing the child's parents, the accused fled from the spot, abandoning the baby, police sources said.
Ajay Sharma, CO of Bayana police station, said, "A complaint has been filed regarding the rape of an infant by an elderly person. A medical examination of the child was conducted. The accused is being grilled. After probing the matter from all angles we will arrive at a conclusion. It will be too early to comment on this issue. The matter is sensitive and related to an infant. The matter needs a thorough probe."
Parents of the victim's child alleged that when they were going to file a complaint at the police station, they were intercepted by 10-15 persons. "We were asked to leave the place, otherwise, they threatened to kill us. We then left for our village. After four days, on Tuesday, we went to the police station to file the complaint," lament parents.