Bengaluru: Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, actor Jaggesh, and Lehar Singh have filed their nomination papers for the Rajya Sabha elections from BJP. While Kupendra Reddy filed nomination papers from JDS while Jairam Ramesh and Mansur Ali Khan filed the nominations from Congress. As per officials, Sitharaman has declared a net worth of Rs. 2,50,99,396 crore property.
Nirmala Property Details: Total asset value of Rs. 2,50,99,396, Immovable Property: Rs. 1,87,60,200 , Movable Assets: Rs 63,39,196, Jewelry: 315 g. Gold, 2 kg silver, Cash: Rs. 17,200, Bank FD: Rs. 45,04,479, Scooter: Bajaj Chetak, Car: no car, Loan: Rs. 30,44,838, Loan given to family members: Rs. 3,50, 000, Land: 4,806 sq.ft. in Kuntanur village in Rangareddy district of Andhra Pradesh.
BJP candidate and actor Jaggesh has assets worth Rs 22.81 crore and Lehar Singh has declared a total of Rs 54.64 crore assets including undivided family property. JDS candidate Kupendra Reddy has declared Rs. 817.02 crore assets. Congress candidate Jairam Ramesh owns a total of assets of Rs 4.56 crore. The second Congress candidate Mansoor Ali Khan owns a total of Rs 79.11 crore in assets.
Jairam Ramesh assets details: Total assets declared were Rs 4.56 crore assets, Cash: Rs. 25,000, Movable Assets - Rs 1.72 crore, Immovable Property - Rs 2.84 crore, Loans to various financial institutions - Rs. 35.47 lakh, Investment in various institutions - Rs. 27.41 lakh, jewelry: 50.70 Lakhs worth, Vehicle: Maruti Ritz car (4 lakhs worth).
Elections for Karnataka's four Rajya Sabha seats will be held on June 10.
Also read: Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman files nomination for Rajya Sabha Elections