New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha has been once again adjourned till 3 pm on Monday. The adjournment took place soon after the proceedings in the Upper House resumed at 2 pm. Lok Sabha has also been adjourned till 3 pm. Soon after the proceedings in the Upper House reumed at 2 pm, Deputy Chairman Harivansh called for Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's statement to be tabled.
Then he called for the commencement of a short discussion on the situation arising ut f price rise in the country including the incresing cost of petroleum products. Leader of the Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge said that he was ready for discussion but he also said that the suspended MPs be called back in the House first.
"I request you to the please call them inside (the House) for once," he said while noting that they have been out of the House for five days.
The Deputy Chairman said that the Leader of Opposition and the Leader of the House should discuss the situation to resolve the issue. However, Khagre kept persisting on his plea to bring back the suspended MPs in the House.
Opposition members started slogan shouting and the House was adjourned till 3 pm.
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