Sri Ganganagar: Panic prevailed in the Suratgarh area of Sri Ganganagar district in Rajasthan when a mortal shell was found during the digging work on Tuesday. Officials from the water supply department were carrying out the excavation work when the mortar shell was found. After receiving the information, police rushed to the spot to take stock of the situation. Police have made arrangements for the safe upkeep of the mortar shell.
Besides, the police alerted the Army officials about the recovery of the mortal shell. Police are waiting for the arrival of Army officials at the spot. The mortar shell was recovered in the Birdhwal area of Suratgarh in the Sri Ganganagar district of the state. Following the recovery of the mortar shell, the area has been cordoned off by the police. The Suratgarh police have been camping in the area. Suratgarh City Police Station in-charge said, "The bomb has been kept at a safe place. The Army officials have been informed."
Explosive devices or mortal shells were found in the area earlier also. There is a military base in Suratgarh. The plying of vehicles carrying military hardware is a regular feature in the area. In 2001, a fire broke out in Army's Ordnance Depot, in which several trees were reduced to ashes. Several bombs exploded and fell on sand dunes. Police are waiting for the arrival of the Army's bomb disposal squad to defuse the mortar shell. The mortar shell has been kept in an earthen pot filled with water. A contingent of the police force has been deputed to the spot.