Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday said the Rajasthan government would provide employment opportunities to youths through job fairs in every district. Expressing happiness over the success of the job fairs in Jaipur and Jodhpur, Gehlot said in a tweet in Hindi, "I am happy that in the last seven days, thousands of youths have got employment through the job fairs organised by the Rajasthan government in Jaipur and Jodhpur.
"Offer letters have been given to 3,000 youths in Jaipur and 10,000 others have been shortlisted for the next round." In Jodhpur, around 3,500 youths got offer letters and 9,200 have been shortlisted for the next round. The maximum package offered in Jodhpur is Rs 18 lakh per annum while the figure in Jaipur is Rs 7.2 lakh, he added.
Gehlot said, "Now we have decided that job opportunities will be given to the youth by organising job fairs in every district." He also appealed to youths in the state to pay attention to technical and other skills. "My appeal to the youth is that you focus on soft skills, technical skills so that when you are interviewed, you can answer with full confidence and your chances of getting selected (for a job) will increase," he said. (PTI)
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