Mathura: A 16-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped by her four neighbors after kidnapping her while she was on her way to school on Wednesday. After receiving a complaint, police initiated a probe into the matter.
The girl's family members alleged that their daughter left for school while she was on her way, Govind, Rahul, and one of their accomplices, who lived in the neighborhood, kidnapped her on a bike. They took her to a guest house in Govardhan of Mathura district where they gang-raped their daughter.
Hearing her screams, people staying in the neighboring room reached and rescued her. Later, she called them and informed them about the incident.
Nitin Kasana, station in charge of Govardhan police station, said that a girl who hails from Deeg in Rajasthan had reached the police station with her family member and raised a complaint alleging gang-rape with her. Based on her complaint, the matter is being investigated here. The matter belongs to Rajasthan's Deeg so the family had now approached the local police station.
It is to be informed that Deeg and Govardhan are two adjacent to each other, one in Rajasthan and the other in Uttar Pradesh consecutively.