Kota: Bundi police has launched an evidence and data-based strategic initiative with an aim to keep a check on rape and sexual exploitation of minors here. District collector (Bundi) Ravindra Goswami and Superintendent of Police Jai Yadav, conceptualised the program 'Mission Surakshit Bachan - Safe Childhood' and launched it on Tuesday afternoon in Dalunda village.
Initially, 17 gram panchyats of the district were identified with three or more cases under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in last three years. They were vowed to be turned into model child protection gram panchyats in the next one year with proactive policing and focused efforts to keep zero POCSO cases in the districts.
For groundwork of the mission, the district police in coordination with planning, monitoring and evolution officer of UNICEF Wahida Rohman and Action Aid NGO conducted a data-based scientific study on crimes against minor girls and boys in last three years in the district. They found out that the accused in 90 per cent cases of rape and sexual exploitation are the relatives or known to the minor survivors.
At least 12 per cent minor boys, along with 88 per cent minor girls were also found to be victim of the sexual assault. Girls aged between 13 to 18 years were found victim in 90 per cent cases of rape, majority of which were committed in March, April and June, the months that calendar harvesting, wedding ceremonies and examinations.
In these three months, the majority of minor victims were found to be children of the laborers. The SP said on the line of policing in western countries, we have followed evidence-based policing and taken up a data-based scientific approach for the mission. He said that he received training in evidence-based policing and is now implementing the same to check crime against minors.
A committee, comprising two members from every community, would be formed at every gram panchyat level that would keep a watch over activities by children in the area and check undisciplinary act, he said. Awareness generation camps in schools and night meetings (chopals) on POCSO Act and Juvenile Justice Act in gram panchyats would be held and locals as well as children will be educated on legal protection and safeguards, Yadav said.
He said the security and protection of minors is first priority as they lack legal awareness at this age. The accused in crimes of sexual exploitation and rape are not habitual criminals and in most of the cases they are found to be relatives or someone known, he said.
The locals and students in Dalunda village were commissioned an oath to make the gram panchyat model for safe childhood, he said. Ravindra Goswami said 'Mission Maanas' that deals with adolescent and childhood concerns is already underway in the district and 17 gram panchyats, where urgent focus is required. (PTI)