Kota: A couple's marriage was solemnised at a hospital in Rajasthan's Kota district on Sunday, after the bride suffered multiple fractures on the eve of wedding. Pankaj, the groom performed the wedding rituals and the ceremonies including application of vermilion was carried out in the presence of the close members of the family from both sides.
Madhu, the bride is currently undergoing treatment at the SBS Hospital in the city, after she sustained multiple fractures in a fall. Even as she is wheelchair-bound and recuperating from the injuries, the families went ahead with the wedding as planned but making the hospital as their altered venue.
Pankaj's brother-in-law Rakesh Rathore said, "Both of our families decided to go ahead with the marriage plan. A room was booked in the hospital and was decorated. The groom garlanded the bride sitting in a wheelchair. Pankaj offered Mangalsutra to Madhu and also put vermilion on her forehead." According to him, the bride will stay in the hospital for the next few days. "Now, both the families will take care of Madhu until she is discharged from the hospital," he said.
The bride, a resident of Rawatbhata from Chittorgarh district, was preparing to leave for the wedding venue when she slipped in the stairs and suffered injuries. She was rushed to the hospital in Kota. By the time the message reached the groom's family, the party had already left for the wedding venue.
In a photo session after the marriage rituals, a beaming Madhu was seen donning a bridal outfit, while wearing a cervical collar strap with both hands plastered. Yet, she appeared to be in an indomitable spirit after entering into the wedlock. Her happiness radiated among the relatives.