Jaipur: Rajasthan Industry Minister Shankutala Rawat on Saturday said memoranda of understanding and letters of intent for the investment of more than Rs 10.44 lakh crore have been signed with companies ahead of the Invest Rajasthan 2022 summit. She said that the state is poised to take a significant step toward a new era of industrialisation with the Invest Rajasthan Summit which is going to be held in Jaipur on October 7 and 8.
"Approximately 3,000 delegates from diverse sectors and industries will attend and participate in conclaves on tourism, NRR, MSMEs, agribusiness, start-ups, and future-ready sectors during the summit, she told reporters here. She said that 4,192 MoUs/LoIs have been received during various national and international investor meets/interactions held ahead of the Invest Rajasthan summit.
The MoUs/LoIs that were signed are from the sectors like mining and minerals, agriculture and agro-processing, tourism, textiles, engineering, chemicals and petrochemicals, health and medical, logistics, energy, and handicrafts, she said. She claimed that nearly 40 per cent of the MoUs/LoIs have already been implemented or are in the advanced stage of implementation.
Before the summit, the state government hopes to have the majority of MoUs and LoIs converted on the ground, she said. The minister said that the Invest Rajasthan Summit will be attended by top industrialists and representatives from a large number of companies. The summit has drawn interests from local business owners in addition to a number of investors from India and abroad, depicting the existence of an ecosystem for industries of all stature in the state, she said. (PTI)