New Delhi: In a major relief to passengers, Union Minister of Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw has said that an order will soon be passed to halt the operations of special trains and the normal fare will be applicable on regular trains. The move comes after facing pressure from passengers over the hike in fares. The Railways has ordered the removal of special tags for mail and express trains. Apart from this, the Railways issued an order to return the fare before the epidemic with immediate effect.
Ever since the lockdown was relaxed, Railways has been running only special trains. It started with long-distance trains and now, even short distance passenger services are being run as special trains with slightly higher fares to "discourage people from avoidable travel".
The Railway Board, in a letter to the zonal railways on Friday, said that the trains will now be operated with their regular numbers and the fare will be as normal as the pre-Covid rate.
The Board's order dated November 12 said, in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, all regular mail/express trains are being run as MSPC (Mail/Express Special) and HSP (Holiday Special). It has now been decided that MSPC and HSP train services including those included in the Working Time Table, 2021 will be operated with regular numbers and the fare will be based on the class and type of train involved for the journey.
Further, the order said that this has been issued in collaboration with the Directorate of Passenger Marketing, Railway Board.
However, the order did not specify when the zonal railways need to resume their pre-Covid services. A senior official said, "Instruction has been issued to the zonal railways. However, it may take a day or two for the order to be issued with immediate effect."
Another official said, over 1,700 trains will be restored in the next few days. The first digit of the train number will not be zero as in the case of special trains.
However, officials said that the restrictions imposed in the wake of the Kovid-19 epidemic will remain in effect, such as the temporary ban on concessions, bedrolls and food services, etc. will continue.
There has also been a significant increase in the revenue of the Railways due to the operation of special trains and not giving concession in the fare. Railways has registered 113 percent growth in passenger items during the second quarter of 2021-2022 as compared to the first quarter.
The order underlined the need to observe precautions and restrictions related to Corona will be applicable in all trains. Apart from this, it has also been said that neither any extra fare will be charged by the Railways nor any money will be refunded on the tickets booked in advance.