Hyderabad: Amid the surge of COVID cases across the country, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday took a jibe at the "App-dependent" central government saying that Applications will not save people in a country like India where the digital divide is huge.
Taking to Twitter he said, "Unfortunately those people, basically more than half of the country's population, are also getting infected with COVID-19 who do not have the access to the internet to get themselves registered for the vaccine.
"Apps like 'Aarogya Setu or COWIN will not save people but two jabs of vaccine will," he added.
In another tweet, the Congress leader slammed the Centre saying that the government's "repeated chest-thumping" at receiving foreign aid to tackle the COVID-19 crisis in the country is pathetic and had it done its job, it would not have come to this.
"GOI's repeated chest-thumping at receiving foreign aid is pathetic. Had GOI done its job, it wouldn't have come to this," Gandhi said in a tweet.
Gandhi had also earlier tweeted the country doesn't need a new house for the PM but oxygen, attaching photos of people in line for the life-saving gas, and work on the Central Vista.
India, in the last 24 hours, recorded 3,66,161 fresh Covid-19 cases and 3,754 related deaths. This is for the first time after four straight days that India’s COVID-19 count has risen by less than 4,00,000 fresh infections. The country’s daily death toll, too, was more than 4,000 in the last two days.
However, only 14.74 lakh samples were tested on Sunday, compared to the usual 18-19 lakh samples a day.
Also Read: ETV Bharat's news report on vaccine budget tweeted by Rahul Gandhi