Chandigarh: After the 'bhaiya' controversy surrounding Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi and Priyanka Gandhi, the political rhetoric in Punjab further intensified on Thursday, this time through Rahul Gandhi making a disclosure on the removal of former Punjab CM Amarinder Singh from Congress. Gandhi, in his rally in Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, said that the Captain was ousted because he refused to provide free electricity to the people of the state.
"The reason for this is that he did not agree to provide free electricity to the poor people. He said 'I have a contract with the power supplying companies'", Gandhi noted. "I have been saying this thing before and I am saying it again. Punjab is not a state where experiments should be done", the Congress leader further said, in an unnamed reference to the BJP and AAP's electoral strategies, while highlighting that the battle against the drug menace should be at the forefront of any party's priorities.
Also read: BJP's governance only visible in advertisements: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi in Punjab
"Development cannot come to fruition unless the drug problem, which is destroying the youth, is addressed", Gandhi said. Meanwhile, both Charanjit Channi and Priyanka Gandhi remained busy throughout Thursday in exchanging verbal blows with various leaders who protested the former's comments about "UP, Bihar ke bhaiye" on Wednesday.
"We have an extremely close relationship with the migrant workers, and love them with all our heart. Some people are deliberately distorting my statement. People like Durgesh Pathak, Sanjay Singh and Kejriwal, who come here and try to create chaos, are the ones I was referring to in my statement. I appreciate the migrant workers very much, and they have contributed immensely to Punjab's long strides towards development", Channi said. Priyanka Gandhi, meanwhile, said that the Chief Minister's comment had been misconstrued. "All he had said was Punjabis should be in power in Punjab", she said.