New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP from Punjab Sanjeev Arora on Sunday called on Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in the national capital. Arora said it was a courtesy call and had a discussion on various issues related to education and health especially affordable health in the meeting with the Lok Sabha Speaker.
He added that he briefed Birla about initiatives being taken in both sectors by the present state government in Punjab. He stressed that affordable health was the need of the hour and also spoke about the importance of education in uplifting the status of people belonging to poor sections of society.
Arora also briefed on Charitable Trust being run by him for needy Cancer patients."Om Birla fondly remembered Lok Sabha's tenure of the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who rose from a humble background with his hard and sincere work. Discussions were also held about various parliamentary matters and the importance of the role of the Opposition in the smooth working of both Houses of the Parliament," he said.
Besides, discussions were also held about Kota parliamentary constituency in Rajasthan. Notably, this parliamentary constituency belongs to the Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla."The meeting proved to be a great learning experience for me," added Arora. (ANI)