Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Thursday appointed Vigilance Chief Siddharth Chattopadhyaya as the new DGP of Punjab in place of Iqbal Badal Singh Sahota. He has been given this additional charge by the government in the same manner as it was given to Iqbal Preet Singh Sahota earlier.
It may be recalled that as soon as he became the Chief Minister, new AG and DGP were also appointed by the government of Charanjit Channi after which State Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu was disappointed. It was out of this resentment that Sidhu had resigned from his post.
After his resignation, the matter reached the High Command, after which the new AG Deol was removed. Consequently, Iqbal Preet Sahota was given an additional charge, which has now been transferred from him to Siddharth Chattopadhyaya.
According to media reports, the newly appointed DGP Siddharth Chattopadhyaya is close to Navjot Singh Sidhu, while he is also being his first choice for the post. It may be recalled that earlier also his name had been considered for the post of DGP, although Iqbal Preet Sahota was given the additional charge by the government.
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