Punjab: A 21-member BJP delegation led by BJP Punjab President Ashwani Sharma on Thursday left for Kartarpur Sahib gurdwara through the Kartarpur Corridor. The Kartarpur corridor links Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan, the final resting place of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev, to Dera Baba Nanak shrine in the Gurdaspur district.
A BJP delegation is going to pay obeisance at the Kartarpur Sahib gurdwara, Punjab BJP chief Ashwani Sharma told reporters before moving towards the integrated check post.
Sharma said that the prayers of the Sangat have been accepted by Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Kartarpur corridor has been reopened thanks to the Modi government.
Earlier on Wednesday, ahead of the celebrations of Guru Nanak Jayanti on November 19, 855 devotees left for Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan via the Wagah Attari border. The arrangements for their travel have been made by the Shiromani Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC).
Only 855 people could procure visas for this pilgrimage because of the Covid-19 restrictions. The pilgrims will visit several gurudwaras during the pilgrimage and will return to India by November 26.
Read: Responsibilities lie with Pakistan, expert take on Kartarpur corridor
Devotees left with contentment chanting the 'jo bole so nihal' and other religious slogans. Many of them are elated on being granted permission by the central government, as well as regarding the facilities provided by the SGPC for this pilgrimage.
Many were of the opinion they weren't sure if their visit would be allowed amid the Covid-19 restrictions, and like last year, their travel would not be permitted this year too. They expressed gratitude for the fact that they will now be able to visit a place that they hold sacred on the auspicious eve of Guru Nanak Jayanti.
The decision of opening the Kartarpur Corridor ahead of the Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrations has also come off as a great relief for the Sikh devotees in India.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah had declared this decision taken by the central government via Twitter yesterday. The decision came after former Punjab CM Amarinder Singh had requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to consider opening the corridor for the Sikh devotees.
Read: 855 devotees leave for Pakistan's Darbar Sahib Kartarpur via Wagah border