Pathankot (Punjab): Bharatiya Janata Party Punjab president Ashwani Kumar Sharma filed nomination from Pathankot constituency on Monday for the upcoming state assembly polls.
"Punjab wants a stable government to change the future of the state. BJP is going to form government in Punjab," said Sharma."I am sure that people will assess the performance of the current government before voting. They failed on all the promises they made in 2017 including employment and corruption," he added. BJP is contesting Punjab polls in alliance with Captain Amarinder Singh's Punjab Lok Congress and Shiromani Akali Dal (Sanyukt).
Punjab will go to the poll on February 20. The counting of votes will take place on March 10. In the 2017 Punjab Assembly polls, Congress won an absolute majority in the state by winning 77 seats and ousted the SAD-BJP government after 10 years.
Aam Aadmi Party had emerged as the second-largest party winning 20 seats in 117-member Punjab Legislative Assembly. The SAD could manage to win only 15 seats while the BJP secured 3 seats.
Also read: Punjab elections: Is Channi Congress' CM candidate? His tickets indicate so