Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Wednesday quashed two separate FIRs registered against former AAP leader Kumar Vishwas and BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga by the Punjab Police. While Vishwas was booked by the Rupnagar Police in Punjab over his alleged inflammatory statements against AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal, Bagga was booked on charges of making provocative statements, promoting enmity and criminal intimidation at Mohali in April.
Senior counsel Chetal Mittal said that Justice Anoop Chitkara ordered the quashing of the FIRs. After the pronouncement of the verdict, Vishwas thanked the judiciary and admirers. In a tweet, BJP leader Bagga said, Satyamev Jayate Big slap on @ArvindKejriwal Face. Punjab High court Quashed FIR against Me & Me & @DrKumarVishwas." (PTI)