Hyderabad (Telangana): Chief Justice of India NV Ramana expressed his pride and happiness in the Telugu community as he attended a 'Meet and Greet event organized by the Telugus of New Jersey in America, with his wife Shivamala. The event was attended by seven lakh Telugu people and the event commenced with the song, Maa Telugu Talliki Mallepu Danda.
He praised the Telugus for moving ahead after overcoming many hurdles in their journey. "Looking at your commitment, I believe that the future of the Telugu nation is secure." He reminded the community that one should not forget their motherland and language. The CJI said that one must speak in their mother tongue when at home, and expressed his sadness over the fact that they as a community have reached a state where one has to fight for their language. He praised the Tamil community since they fight unitedly for their language and culture.
He reassured the gathering that it is a myth that one will not be given enough job opportunities if they communicate in Telugu. He proved this by portraying himself as an example, saying that he reached his level while communicating in Telugu. "Telugu is not just a language but a way of life and civilization", Ramana said citing the examples of great men like Joshua, Dasarathi, and Sri who gave the community priceless wealth.
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He stated that the number of Telugu speaking people in America has increased to 85% between 2010 to 2017 and they are also supporting numerous development programs back in their motherland. He cited the importance of how even after becoming economically developed in America, one should work towards eliminating inequalities in society. "No one can live peacefully if there is anarchy in the society despite high income," he added.
On the pending court cases, he said that the recruitments in the judiciary are happening. "When someone takes charge as a judge they uphold the justice and work regardless of their political views. We are rapidly completing the process of filling up vacancies in the Judicial sector. Even vacancies in Supreme Court are being filled up," said the CJI.
Justice NV Ramana and his wife Shivamala were felicitated at the event. Krishna Ella, Founder and Chairman of Bharat Biotech India, Bharat Biotech, MD Suchitra Ella, and Randhir Jaishwal, Consulate General of India, also participated in the event.