Lucknow: The FIR was registered against Ajay Mishra, the aide of Vice-Chancellor of Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Vinay Kumar Pathak, on Saturday, at Indira Nagar police station in Lucknow. The aide of the Vice-Chancellor was taken into custody by the Special Task Force. A copy of the FIR is with the ETV Bharat reporter. The FIR number 0310 was registered against the aide of the Vice-Chancellor of the university under Sections 342, 386, 504 and 506 of the IPC as well as UP Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 at Indira Nagar police station in Lucknow.
Complainant David Mario Danish in the FIR alleged that when Vinay Kumar Pathak was the Vice-Chancellor of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University at Agra, the latter was asking for '15 per cent cut money' in the name of clearing pending bills. David Mario Dennis had also levelled allegations of extortion, threats and use of filthy language against the Vice-Chancellor.
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Meanwhile, the Yogi Adityanath government has directed the Special Task Force (STF) to probe graft charges against the Vice-Chancellor of Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, Vinay Kumar Pathak, who was accused of demanding Rs 1.4 crore for clearing of bills of an agency, which was entrusted to conducting examinations, along with his aide Ajay Mishra.
The STF arrested Ajay Mishra in connection with the incident. David Mario Danish, the owner of a private agency entrusted to conduct university exams, lodged a complaint with the Indira Nagar police station on Saturday. Danish alleged that he paid the money to Mishra as per the instruction of V-C when he was helming the affairs at Agra University.