Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): President Ram Nath Kovind will inaugurate the week-long Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate programme for school and college-going students of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. The purpose of the nationwide programme is to inculcate scientific temperament among students as well as promotion of scientific theories and principles.
President Kovind will inaugurate the programme through video conferencing. Vice-Chancellor of Rani Durgawati University Kapil Dev Mishra, sharing this piece of information on Tuesday, said, "Three institutions in Madhya Pradesh have chosen for Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate programme. These are the MP Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Rani Durgawati University at Jabalpur, and SGSITS College at Indore. Students studying in government or private institutions can take part in the programme by enrolling themselves on the government website."
Dr PK Dighara, the senior scientist from MPCST, said the purpose of the programme is to create scientific temperament among students as well as promotion of theories and principles related to science. "On February 23 the event will focus on History of Indian Science, Milestones of Indian Science and Technology (February 24), Indigenous Traditional Discoveries and New Innovations (February 25), Science Literature Festival (February 26) whereas on February 27 the programme will focus on science and technology for the next 25 years. The event will conclude on February 28," said Dr Dighara.