Kalaburgi (Karnataka): In an unfortunate incident, a pregnant woman ended her life subsequently her kin and another woman tried to kill herself along with her two children in Devalunayak Tanda of Kamalapur taluk of Kalaburgi district on Saturday. The pregnant woman was identified as Reshma Chavhan (26) while the other woman, Kalpana Chavhan, and her two children were rescued by the locals.
Kamalapur police rushed to the spot and said, "Kalpana and Reshma were two daughter-in-laws of the same family and after a quarrel over a family dispute, Reshma ended her life by jumping into a well. Kalpana also jumped into the same well along with her two children but was saved by alert locals We have sent the body for post-mortem and have also commenced an investigation into the case," the officials said.