New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday slammed the lawyers of Odisha who have been seeking a permanent bench of the Orissa High Court in the Sambalpur district and have been protesting over the demand since September 28 by being on strike.
"There is no hope for the formation of a bench. Even if there was a possibility, it is lost now with their conduct," said the court. The bench comprising Justice SK Kaul and Justice Abhay S Oka pulled up the state police for being unable to control the situation.
"We have little doubt that this is an abject failure of the police. The IG and DGP have assured us that what happened earlier will not happen again and they took personal responsibility that complete peace will be maintained," noted the court in its order.
The court was informed during the hearing that lawyers have been arrested and there are also non-lawyers who have participated and now the whole issue has turned into a political issue. The court remarked that if this is the behavior of lawyers then why should a bench be set up at all.
IG of Sambalpur informed the court that preventive action was taken and roads were blocked but some were able to scale up the boundary wall. "It is an utter failure of police according to me," said Justice Kaul. Attorney General for Odisha told the court that very few have been turning up in court but the courts are sitting.
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"We are going to come down very hard. They will lose their bread and butter.... You set up special courts to try these lawyers. Somebody has to see if relevant provisions have been invoked or not," said Justice Kaul.
The court was also informed of the threats that some are facing and AG's effigy was burnt. The court said that they will not dispose of this case and keep on monitoring it. Court ordered that wherever force is required should be deputed to deal with the matter, FIRs should be registered and contempt notice is issued.
Court also observed in its order that the demand for setting up benches has become obsolete now with the evolvement of technology. It said that a mere resolution of the Central Action Committee on suspension of strike is not enough and the committee will have to call off the strike unconditionally.
Condemning the striking lawyers and inaction of police, the Supreme Court said that police should have made preventive arrests and such people should remain in custody for some time. Court ordered the police to give security to senior officers of BCI.