Srinagar: District Police Kulgam in south Kashmir on Wednesday refuted rumors about a “terrorist incident” in the Frisal area of the district. “A fake news is being circulated by rumor mongers on social media platforms that a terrorist incident happened in Frisal which is totally fake & baseless. People are requested not to pay heed to such rumors. Rumour mongers shall be dealt with strictly under law,” a police spokesman said.
Police scotch rumours of 'terrorist act' in south Kashmir's Kulgam
Police said that the news circulated by rumor mongers on social media platforms that a terrorist incident happened in Frisal area is totally fake & baseless. People are requested not to pay heed to rumors, it said.
Police refute rumours about 'terrorist incident' in south Kashmir's Kulgam
Srinagar: District Police Kulgam in south Kashmir on Wednesday refuted rumors about a “terrorist incident” in the Frisal area of the district. “A fake news is being circulated by rumor mongers on social media platforms that a terrorist incident happened in Frisal which is totally fake & baseless. People are requested not to pay heed to such rumors. Rumour mongers shall be dealt with strictly under law,” a police spokesman said.