Karwar (Uttara Kannada): In a heart-rending incident, a baby born with a cleft lip was left in a box and thrown on the roadside in the Siddapur area of the district. The child was found lying in the box near Guddekoppa under the Thyarsi-Kadakeri taluka of the district. On hearing the cries of the baby, the locals rushed to the spot. Later, the police were informed about the abandoned baby. Soon after the police rushed to the spot and contacted women and child welfare officer Purnima R Doddani. The child was then shifted to a local government hospital.
Read: Newborn Care Week 2022: "Home Care of New Born in Urban Area"
Child development officer Poornima said, "The child will be handed over to an adoption centre at Shirsi soon. Police are investigating what was the reason behind abandoning the child." On other hand, a case has been registered with the Siddapur police station and sub-inspector Mahantesh Kumbara will investigate the case.