Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan): With the arrest of a couple, police claimed to have cracked the murder mystery that took place in the ward number 67 Z in the Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan on Sunday. Both the accused have confessed to the police their involvement in the crime. Acting on a tip-off passed on to police by Subhash Khatik that a body was being burnt in the backyard of a house, police sent a team to the crime spot. The police after dousing the flames shifted the body to the government hospital for conducting a forensic examination.
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A Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) experts, a dog squad and others were pressed into service to lift evidence from the spot. On the directive of the Additional Superintendent of Police, Satnam Singh, a special police team was constituted to crack the case. The Circle Officer of Ganganagar city was entrusted with the task of investigating the case. The police team was successful in solving the case in 24 hours.
"The deceased has been identified as Birendra Singh, a resident of a locality in Sri Ganganagar. Birendra was an affluent person and was staying abroad. He was having an extra-marital affair with Jasmin, the wife of Rohit. Accused Rohit and his wife Jasmin hatched a plot to eliminate Birendra Singh. The couple were petty traders dealing in old clothes," said a police officer.