Dehradun (Uttarakhand): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday arrived in Dehradun for the inauguration of multiple projects worth Rs 18,000 crore. The visit will primarily focus on projects to improve the road infrastructure, make travel smooth and safer, and also increase tourism in the region. This is in line with the Prime Minister's vision to boost connectivity in the areas, which were once considered far-flung.
Modi will lay the foundation stone of 11 development projects, including the Delhi-Dehradun Economic Corridor, which will be built at a cost of around Rs 8,300 crore. The greenfield alignment project from Delhi-Dehradun Economic Corridor, connecting Halgoa, Saharanpur to Bhadrabad, Haridwar is another project that will be constructed at a cost of over Rs 2,000 crore.
The Dehradun-Paonta Sahib road project, which will be constructed at a cost of Rs 1,700 crore, will boost inter-state tourism between Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. The Najibabad-Kotdwar road widening project will reduce travel time and also improve connectivity to Lansdowne, a bridge across the River Ganga next to the Laksham Jhula will also be constructed.
The Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone for the Child-Friendly City Project in Dehradun, which aims at making the city child-friendly by making the roads safer for their travel. Foundation stone for projects related to the development of water supply, road and drainage system in Dehradun at a cost of over Rs 700 crore will also be laid.
Additionally, the foundation stones for infrastructure development works at Shri Badrinath Dham and Gangotri-Yamunotri Dham will be laid and a new medical college in Haridwar will be constructed at a cost of over Rs 500 crore.
Modi will also inaugurate seven more projects, including those which focus on making travel safer by tackling the problem of chronic landslides in the region. Amongst these projects are the landslide mitigation project at Lambagad, which is en-route the Badrinath Dham, and chronic landslide treatment at Sakanidhar, Srinagar and Devprayag on NH-58.
Also being inaugurated are the road widening project from Devprayag to Srikot, and from Brahmpuri to Kodiyala on NH-58, under the Chardham road connectivity project. The 120 MW Vyasi Hydroelectric project, built over the River Yamuna at a cost of over Rs 1,700 crore, will also be inaugurated, along with a Himalayan Culture Centre, and the Centre for aromatic plants at Dehradun.