New Delhi: Taking a jibe at the central government for the continued increase in fuel prices, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday termed it a "PhD in tax recovery". Gandhi tweeted his remark and shared a newspaper article in Hindi with the headline "The government has earned more from petrol-diesel than it did from the income and corporate taxes."
The fuel prices, after remaining steady for a day, increased again today. Petrol prices have now crossed the Rs 100 per litre mark in several cities while in others it is very close to it. Bhopal has the highest prices at present with petrol at Rs 105.43 per litre and diesel at Rs 96.65 a litre, followed by Mumbai with prices of petrol and diesel at Rs 103.36 and Rs 95.44 per litre respectively.
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Fuel prices in Patna were 99.28 and Rs 93.30 per litre for petrol and diesel. In the national capital, Delhi petrol prices today were Rs 97.22 per litre, while diesel was priced at Rs 87.97 per litre.