Kochi (Kerala): The Kochi police on Wednesday arrested former Poonjan MLA PC George in the Vennala hate speech case. George is currently in the AR camp, while the Thiruvananthapuram police also reached Kochi to take a stock of the situation. Earlier, PC George had surrendered at the Palarivattom police station after the court revoked his bail. After surrendering, George responded that he would abide by the law. Meanwhile, BJP activists had assembled in favour of George then, while the PDP activists had opposed him.
Also read Hate speech: Kerala court cancels bail of P C George
George had also reiterated that everything he said was true. His reaction was recorded when he was taken into custody in the hate speech case and taken to Thiruvananthapuram from the Kochi AR camp. The 70-year-old former MLA had sparked off a controversy by asking non-Muslims in Kerala to avoid eating at restaurants run by the community. Subsequently, on May 10, another case was registered against him on charges of hate speech. The Palarivattom police booked the former legislator over his objectionable remarks during a speech that he delivered in connection with a temple festival at Vennala in Ernakulam district on May 8.