New Delhi: Amid the ongoing violent demonstrations against the newly announced Agnipath scheme, senior Congress leader Pawan Khera said that "these agitations, the violent protest are absolutely avoidable. If this government had applied its mind before announcing this scheme such as this but this government Is known to act in haste and then repent at leisure. They should've taken into consideration all the stakeholders, their opinions and then should've gone through the Parliamentary committee on defense and then come with a scheme like this."
On accusations put up by the ruling party against the Congress for fuelling disinformation on this scheme for political gains, Khera responded that "the problem with the BJP is they have an incorrect assessment of their own intelligence. They overestimate their own intelligence and also overestimate the capacity of the opposition party to do all this. We don't indulge in such things. As a responsible opposition party, it is our duty to voice the concerns of lakhs of youth across the country."
Also Read: Modi gov failed to take the cue from farmers protest: Rahul on Agnivir protests
All these skeptical ideas proposed by PM Modi, they first announce a scheme, then go about amending whether be it about GST, demonetization, CAA, black farm laws, and others! Why is it that they always act in haste, asked Pawan. On Sunday, the Congress party would stage a peaceful dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi against the 'Agnipath scheme' demanding its roll back. All top leaders including senior Congress members, MPs, and other party workers will participate.