Mumbai: Padma Shri awardee and veteran Lavani singer Sulochana Chavan passed away on Saturday at Phanaswadi in Mumbai. The 89-year-old was suffering from age-related ailments. Born on March 13, 1933, in Mumbai, the senior playback singer had a career stretch of six decades in the music industry. She was awarded the Padma Shri in March of this year. She was also conferred the title of 'Lavanisamradhni' (Queen of Lavani) for her contribution to the music.
Padmi Shri awardee Lavani singer Sulochana Chavan passes away in Mumbai
Born on March 13, 1933, in Mumbai, the senior playback singer Sulochana Chavan had a career of over six decades in the music industry.
Mumbai: Padma Shri awardee and veteran Lavani singer Sulochana Chavan passed away on Saturday at Phanaswadi in Mumbai. The 89-year-old was suffering from age-related ailments. Born on March 13, 1933, in Mumbai, the senior playback singer had a career stretch of six decades in the music industry. She was awarded the Padma Shri in March of this year. She was also conferred the title of 'Lavanisamradhni' (Queen of Lavani) for her contribution to the music.