New Delhi: Over one lakh aspirants have applied for admission to various undergraduate courses at Delhi University for the academic session 2022-23, an official said on Tuesday. According to a senior DU official, 1,36,900 applications have been received so far in the first phase of the admission process with the number expected to go up till October 10, the last date for application.
The second phase of DU UG admissions will be held from September 26 to October 10. Students will have to enter their CUET score and college course preference. The first cutoff merit for admission for the academic session 2022-23 will be released after October 10 on the official website of Delhi University.
Also read: Delhi University launches common portal for undergraduate courses admission
In the academic session 2021-22, a total of 2.87 lakh had applied for 65,000 seats. The admissions are conducted for 79 UG programs and 206 BA programs at 67 colleges. There is a three-phase admission process at the varsity: Submission of CSAS 2022 Application Form, Program selection/ choice filling or priority filling and seat allotment and admission.