Bhubaneswar: More than 2.2 lakh nominations have been filed for the three-tier panchayat elections in the state as the process came to end on Friday. According to information shared by State Election Commission Secretary RN Sahu, a total of 1,62,297 candidates have filed papers for the post of ward members, 34,613 for sarpanches, 2,81,537 for Panchayat Samiti members and 3,999 for Zilla Parishad members.
In all, 65,838 filed papers for the post of ward members, 1,4074 for sarpanch posts, 1,25,127 for Panchayat Samiti members and 2,161 for Zilla Parishad members, he informed.
Nomination papers will be scrutinised on Saturday and candidates can withdraw their nominations by January 25 while the final list of candidates will be issued on the same day. The panchayat elections will be held in five phases from February 16 to 24. Results will be declared on February 26, 27 and 28.
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