Baghpat ( Uttar Pradesh): In the UP-TET exam leak case, on November 29, 2021, STF arrested accused Rahul Chaudhary, a shoe shop owner from Baraut city. Question Paper sets, admit cards of candidates, and other restricted materials were seized. His two companions, Suleman of village Kirthal (Bagpat) and Balram alias Bablu of village Shahdabbar fled to Muzaffarnagar. SP Neeraj Kumar Jadaun had announced a reward of Rs 25,000 each on Firoz and Balram's information.
SP Neeraj Kumar Jadaun said that, with the help of Baraut police, 32-year-old Firoz was arrested on Friday night from near Baoli Chungi in Baraut. During interrogation, Firoz told that Rahul Chaudhary was also involved in the paper leak scam.
According to the police, this crime was started in Haridwar. Firoz told that in the year 2020, he met Balram in Haridwar (Uttarakhand) and set up a computer lab containing 250 computers known as Niranjana Computer Center on Bahadrabad Sidkul Bypass Road, Haridwar. At this center, fake mark sheets were made and candidates started qualifying for various examinations in different ways and earned a huge sum of money.