Sahebganj: One person was reported missing as three trucks on a cargo vessel fell into the Ganga river in Jharkhand's Sahibganj district, officials said on Friday. The incident took place in the morning at Garam Ghat of the district, some 450-km from the state capital Ranchi, when tyre of a truck on board got burst and the ship faced turbulence, the official said.
Sahebganj Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ramniwas Yadav told PTI, "As per report, two-three trucks fell into river and one person reported missing." He said the missing person was identified as Saifuddin Seikh, a resident of Govindpur in Dhanbad district. "We used local divers to find out the missing person but the river is around four metres deep where the incident took place. A specialized drivers' team will be deployed on Saturday. We will also take help of NDRF," he said.
This was the second such incident this year. On March 24, at least three persons were reported missing after six trucks on board a ship fell into the Ganga river in Sahebganj. (PTI)