Visakhapatnam: One worker was killed and four workers were injured in a blast in the Hetero Drugs plant at Nakkapalli in Andhra Pradesh's Visakhapatnam district, police said on Thursday. The blast occurred at a reactor and the workers working there were injured as the blast triggered a fire that engulfed the entire area. Fire tenders rushed to the scene and doused the fire. Following the incident, the management stopped the operations in the plant.
According to reports, a reactor blast in the pharma unit led to the unfortunate incident. Of the four injured, two are said to be in critical condition and they have been shifted to the city for better treatment. The deceased worker has been identified as Sairam. While the other injured personnel have been identified as - Gangadhar, Gopal, Raju, and Rajesh.
Meanwhile, CITU leaders demanded that the company management provide information to workers and pay compensation to the families of the injured. The unit had also witnessed an explosion in 2016, killing one employee and injuring two others.