Bhopal: A case of sending obscene pictures from two different numbers on the mobile of BJP MP Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur has come to light. An attempt has also been made to implicate Pragya Singh Thakur by making obscene video calls. The miscreants are demanding money from her by sending the picture taken during the video call. At the same time, Pragya Thakur has informed the police of this matter. TT Nagar Police has started an investigation and an FIR has been lodged. The police has also registered a case of murder threats being issued to the MP.
Thakur, after testing positive for Covid-19 two days ago, has now returned home after recovering. Indecent photos were sent to her from different mobile numbers late Sunday evening. After this, she received a video call and was subjected to an obscene conversation. The accused called and threatened to make her video viral on social media if the demand for money was not accepted.
Thakur immediately informed TT Nagar police station. On the basis of their complaint, the police registered a case of abuse, molestation, and threatening to kill and started the search for the accused. Before Thakur, senior BJP leaders and officers got such video calls. Screenshots and video recordings are done by talking to a nude girl on a video call.
In January this year, Delhi Police had caught a gang-related from Rajasthan. The accused used to create fake accounts on social sites in the name of girls. After this, by making a video call to the victim on WhatsApp, they played the pre-recorded video of the girl. As soon as the person in front joined the video call, he would have been shown the obscene video (pre-recorded). They used to provoke the person in front and instigate him to do the same. The person in front understood that he was doing video calling to some girl and got ensnared. After this, the gang members would blackmail the victim by threatening to make the video viral.